📄️ Adding mods
This guide will show you how to add mods to your DayZ server correctly.
📄️ Adjustment of basic settings of DayZ server
Before playing on your DayZ server, you may want to change some settings, such as the server's name, password, or even the admin password. To change these properties, you will need to follow the next steps.
📄️ Creating a custom commandline for the DayZ server
Generally speaking, custom commandline is required when you need to specify the mod order manually, as certain mod dependencies need to be loaded first for mods to work correctly and for the server to be able to start.
📄️ Increase Item Spawns
Making changes to the drop loot table can be tricky, but once you are able to understand its functions and purpose, you will be able to ninja add new items in notime. This guide will help you going trough the process of applying changes to the dayz loot table.
📄️ Creating a backup for your DayZ Server
Creating backups for your DayZ server can often help you if you decide to install some mods or make adjustments, in which case you will have a backup to revert to.
📄️ Wipe Server
If you decide to wipe your DayZ server, you should start by creating a backup for your server in case you want to retrieve the old server. To create a backup, follow this guide on our knowledgebase on How to create a backup for DayZ server.