📄️ What is Fragify?
Let's discover Fragify in less than 5 minutes.
🗃️ API
2 items
📄️ Basic Controls
Accessing the panel
📄️ Changelog
Below is a public changelog of all changes pushed to Fragify.
📄️ File Manager / SFTP
🗃️ Scheduled Tasks
5 items
🗃️ Backups
5 items
📄️ Subusers
Subusers allow you to grant limited or full access to your server to another user, without sharing your credentials.
📄️ Subdomains
Subdomains allow you to use a custom domain when connecting to your server.
📄️ MySQL Databases
Databased are commonly used by plugins or mods to store large amounts of data efficiently.
📄️ Crash alerts
Fragify monitors your server's uptime and in case your server crashes without you restarting or stopping it, it will automatically log the last few lines of your console's messages along with some other useful information.
📄️ 2-Factor Authentication
Take caution and only enable 2FA on a trusted device. If you lose access to this device, you will not be able to access your account.